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Showing posts from 2012

Thank you for another great year

2012 has now come to an end.  I want to thank all of my clients for allowing me to represent you to your clients.  Below is my report card for the year. The blue line is my average score while the orange line represents the average of all instructors.  I think this says it all.  Please contact me early to reserve your 2013 dates. Happy New Year! Moderator

I am pleased to announce that I am working with Jakub JareÅ¡ as the moderator for the Active Directory forums on .  Please feel free to stop by and ask us your Active Directory, PowerShell related questions. Jakub JareÅ¡ Follow Jakup on Twitter   Jason Yoder Follow Jason on Twitter .

What to do if your CSV file has a blank line at the end?

On, I answered a question from a forum member who was receiving a CSV with the list of user names to be added to a group.  If the CSV file had a blank line at the end of it, it would cause problems.  Below is my code to read in a CSV file and filter out any blank lines before handing the object to PowerShell for processing. Import-Csv -Path "F:\Temp\Users.csv" |   ForEach-Object { If ( $_ . Name -ne "" ) { Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "Test Group" `   -Members $_ . Name}} We first import the CSV file into the PowerShell pipeline.  Next we pass the object to a ForEach-Object statement.  Each object is tested to see if the name property is empty.  If it is, then nothing is done.  If it contains data, then the user is added to the group.  I could not use Where-Object {$_.Name –ne “”} as my filter because Add-ADGroupMember does not accept input from the PowerShell pipeline for its Member parameter.

Adding a Comment to a GPO with PowerShell

As I'm writing this article, I'm also writing a customization for a PowerShell course I'm teaching next week in Phoenix.  This customization deals with Group Policy and PowerShell.  For those of you who attend my classes may already know this, but I sit their and try to ask the questions to myself that others may ask as I present the material.  I finished up my customization a few hours ago and then I realized that I did not add in how to put a comment on a GPO.  This is a feature that many Group Policy Administrators may not be aware of. This past summer I attended a presentation at TechEd on Group Policy.  One organization in the crowd had over 5,000 Group Policies.  In an environment like that, the comment section can be priceless.  I always like to write in the comment section why I created the policy so I know its purpose next week after I've completed 50 other tasks and can't remember what I did 5 minutes ago. In the Group Policy module for Pow...

Discover what Accounts Services are Used in Your Network

This week in My Windows Server 2012 class, I had an interesting question pop up while we were discussing managed service accounts. The client knew they needed to switch off of their current service accounts because to many people knew the passwords. They knew managed service accounts were the way to go, but did not know how to address the issue of how to discover all the services that they were using the same accounts on across all of their servers. The client asked me if they could do it with PowerShell….absolutely! The cmdlet below will allow you to pipe in a comma separated list of your server names and the cmdlet will return all the accounts being used by the services running on the servers in your environment.  I am using the Test-Connection cmdlet in this  code so make sure your servers are able to return pings. Function Find-ServiceAccounts { [cmdletbinding(HelpUri = ' ' )] Param ( [...

Can you import your previous PowerShell history into the F7 feature of the PowerShell window.

The short answer is no.   We do have the ability to import our PowerShell history from one session to another if we save that history to an XML file.   We can then import that history into another session.   The F7 and up arrow functionality in the PowerShell window is a feature of the window, not PowerShell.   Here is an example. 1. Open PowerShell and execute a couple of simple cmdlets. 2. Type Get-History and press Enter . You can save this information to an xml file for import into another session Get-History | Export-Clixml History.xml Either open another PowerShell session or type Clear-History to clear your current session’s history. Now import your history back in by: If you press F7 , you will not get these items in the history window.   You can still use them.   Let’s execute the item in ID 312.

How to find if a property in a custom object has a NULL NoteProperty

This was a bit of a different problem.  How to find if a property in a custom object has a NULL value.  The client had a collection of objects that they gathered from their environment with PowerShell.  They needed a way to find out if any of the NoteProperties had a NULL value.  I created the function below.  You send it the collection of objects you are interested in probing for a NULL property value and it will return the index number of the object in the collection that has one.   Function Find-NullProperty {     [ cmdletbinding (HelpUri = "" ) ]     Param (         [ Parameter (Mandatory = $True ) ] $Object     )     # Check to see if an object has any NULL values in     # its properties.       # Create an object to output to the calling stat...

Return duplicate values from a collection with PowerShell

If you have a collection of objects and you want to remove any duplicate items, it is fairly simple. # Create a collection with duplicate values $Set1 = 1 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 1 , 2   # Remove the duplicate values. $Set1 | Select-Object -Unique 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 What if you want only the duplicate values and nothing else? # Create a collection with duplicate values $Set1 = 1 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 1 , 2   #Create a second collection with duplicate values removed. $Set2 = $Set1 | Select-Object -Unique   # Return only the duplicate values. ( Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Set2 -DifferenceObject $Set1 ) . InputObject | Select-Object – Unique 1 2 This works with objects as well as numbers.  The first command creates a collection with 2 duplicates of both 1 and 2.   The second command creates another collection with the duplicates filtered out.  The Compare-Object cmdlet wi...