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Showing posts from January, 2012

Get the Access Control List entries on a resource using PowerShell

PowerShell comes with the Get-ACL cmdlet that allows you to see who has security rights to a resource  Below is the syntax: (Get-ACL –Path path ).Access The path is a location (eg. C:\Logs) that you want to enumerate the ACL for. We first need to create the ACL object before we can view it.  To do that, we encase part of this command in parenthesis.  Once the command completes, we ask for the Access properties.  Below is sample output. FileSystemRights  : FullControl AccessControlType : Allow IdentityReference : BUILTIN\Administrators IsInherited       : True InheritanceFlags  : None PropagationFlags  : None FileSystemRights  : 268435456 AccessControlType : Allow IdentityReference : BUILTIN\Administrators IsInherited       : True InheritanceFlags  : ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit PropagationFlags  : InheritOnly FileSystemRights  : FullControl AccessControlType : Al...

How to get the members of a array, and not the members of the objects in the array in PowerShell

Let’s start off by explaining the situation by creating an array. $myArray = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 If I execute $myArray | Get-Member I get the member information for the integer objects in the array: TypeName: System.Int32   Name MemberType Definition CompareTo Method int … Equals Method bool … GetHashCode Method int … GetType Method type GetType … GetTypeCode Method System.TypeCode GetTypeCode() … ToString Method string …   However, If I execute $MyArray.count , I get a value of 4 .  Where did this count property come from?  By looking at the members above, the count property is not listed.  The Count property can from the object of the array, not the objects contained in the array.  To see the members of the object array, type: Get-Member -InputObject $MyArray This will give you the members of the object of $MyArray.  Below is a listing of what you will receive.   Name              ...

How to list the members of every Active Directory group with PowerShell

The code will allow you to see every member of every group in Active Directory.  The output is placed in in object so you can process it through the PowerShell pipeline. # Import the Active Directory Module. # You must have access to the Active Directory Module for # this code to work. Import-Module ActiveDirectory -Cmdlet Get - ADGroup , Get-ADGroupMember # Create an array to hold the objects as they are created. $Objects = @()   # Store the objects of all groups in Active Directory. $Groups = Get-ADGroup -filter *   # Loop through each group and enumerate the user objects # who are members of each group. ForEach-Object ( $G in $Groups ) {     # Enumerate each member object of the group     $Members = $G | Get-ADGroupMember          # Loop through each user object and add data #to the output object.     ForEach-Object ( $M in $Members )     { ...

How to list the group membership of a user with PowerShell

Here is a nice example of a one liner. (Get-ADUser –filter “Name –like ‘Adm*’” –Properties MemberOf).MemberOf This will return the FQDN of the groups the user is a member of.  The first portion need to execute first and that is why we placed it inside of parenthesis.  We then had to specifically tell PowerShell to give us the MemberOf property.  Once the first portion of the command completes, we have an object to work with.  Now we just simply ask PowerShell to provide us with the MemberOf property.

Search a hard drive for image files and copy them to another client with PowerShell

Here is another one of the student projects from Decembers PowerShell class.  In this case, the student needed to examine the hard drive of a computer and discover certain image files.  He then needed to copy those files to another computer and hold them in a folder who’s name contained the source clients name and a date stamp.  This code is still rough as we identified a lot of conflict scenarios that could pop up, but it still works.   Function Copy-ImageFile { param ( [ switch ] $ListFiles , $Destination = "C:\Users\Jason\Documents\Roman\Roman2" ) $Images = Get-ChildItem -Recurse | where { $_ . Extension -match "gif|jpg|jpeg|png" } If ( $ListFiles -eq $True ) { $Images } Else { # Get the computer name. $ComputerName = gc env : ComputerName # Create the name of the folder to copy data to. [ string ] $FolderName = $ComputerName + (( Get-Date ) . Year ) . ToString () + ` (( Ge...

How to check for processes utilizing to much processor time in PowerShell

  I’m a bit behind in posting some of this code.  This was one of the projects a student brought to class.  He needed to know how to use PowerShell to monitor if any processes consumed more than 25% of the processor time.  If so, he had a set of services that needed to be restarted.  Below is the code to find out the current processor load with the process restarting code commented out.   The get-counter cmdlet gave us the ability to collect multiple samples so that a spike would not trigger the process restart.  In the code below, we took two samples with 1 second between them.  Yes, the variable $CurrentLoad is set with a very long one liner.   Function CheckProcess { Param ( $Threshold = 25 ) $CurrentLoad = (( get-counter -counter "\processor(_total)\% Processor time" -SampleInterval 1 -MaxSamples 2 ) | ForEach { $_ . CounterSamples } | Select-Object -Property CookedValue | ForEach { $_ . CookedValue } | Measure-Obje...