Well, that is a good question. Before I answer this, let’s just cover a few best practices when it comes to naming variables. Choose a variable name that gives you an idea of what is stored in the variable. Use letters, numbers, and “_” in your names. Do not use spaces. They really make things look bad. Now, about how long can they be? I wrote a little function to help be create long strings of random characters and the I used that string as the name of my variable. Function New-String { Param ( $Length ) $String = "" For ( $X = 0 ; $X -lt $Length ; $X ++ ) { $String += [ char ] (( Get-Random ( 26 )) + 65 ) } Write-Output $String } New-String 10000 I copied this string into memory. I then typed a dollar sign and pasted this string. Automatic carriage returns were added by the IS...
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