Do you need PowerShell installed on a remote server to execute a powersheel command to it from another server?
As long as the script is being run a computer that has PowerShell installed, it can execute on a remote machine. The thing to remember is that any data that is being processed, will be processed by your local machine, not remotely. The more data involved, the longer it will take.
If using a script from the Microsoft Script Repository, Replace this line:
$StrComputer = “.”
$StrComputer = “Remote_Client_Name”
This will redirect your script to execute on a remote client rather than the local client.
Microsoft Scripting Center
If using a script from the Microsoft Script Repository, Replace this line:
$StrComputer = “.”
$StrComputer = “Remote_Client_Name”
This will redirect your script to execute on a remote client rather than the local client.
Microsoft Scripting Center