While executing scripts against a large number of clients in your organization, you will undoubtedly encounter a few that are offline. This causes your script to hang on each one. This pesky little behavior can be mitigated in a variety of ways. The function below is what I use when I need to run a script synchronously. You simple give it the name of the client you are attempting to contact and the number of retries it gets. I usually only give it 1. It will return TRUE if contact was made. You then make a decision of what to do at that point. I allow the script to proceed if the response is TRUE or I send the client name to an error log if it is FALSE.
Function Test-ClientConnectivity
Function Test-ClientConnectivity
Param (
$Loop = 4)
# Set the control value to zero.
$Count = 0
Do {
$Count ++
$Result = Test-Connection $ComputerName -Count 1 -Quiet
If ($Result)
# If a positive responce is recieved, set the value
# high to exit the loop.
$Count = 1000000
} while ($Count -lt $Loop)
# Return the object to the calling statment.
Write-Output $Result
} # End Function: Test-CliectConnectivity -------------------------------------