I’m sitting in the USO at the San Jose airport this evening
waiting on a flight back home. A good friend and Shipmate of mine
contacted me with a bit of a virus issue. He needed a way to scan all of
his clients for this bad bug. He unfortunately did not have access to his
organizations central antivirus system.
After a bit of online research, I found
what I was looking for. Either files or registry keys that would mark a
potential infection. I wrote up some code and sent it over to him.
Yes, I could have wrote code very quickly that focused only the little critter
running around his network, but what fun would that be. This code is
The cmdlet is Search-VirusSignature.
I included a help file to show you how to use it. It does require access
to the Active Directory module and also for all of your clients to have
PowerShell Remoting turned on.
Happy Hunting!
Function Search-VirusSignature
[String[]]$RegKey = $Null,
Function New-ScriptObject
# Empty VirusSignatureObject
$Obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
'ComputerName' = $Null;
'Online' = $False;
'RegValueMatch' = $False;
'FileValueMatch' = $False;
'PSSessionAvailable' = $True
Write-Output $Obj
} # End:
Function New-ScriptObject
Function Search-RegValue
Param (
# Initialize the memory to be
used in this function.
$Found = $False
$PSPro = $Null
$OutResult = $False
# Cycle through each provided
registry key.
ForEach ($R in $RegKey)
# Discover the key being used. Since documentation can
# list the PSDrive value
differently, convert the
# provided drive name to one that
PowerShell will
# recognize.
Switch -Wildcard ($R)
$Key = $R.Replace("HKEY_CURRENT_USER","")}
"HKCU*" {$PSPro = "HKCU"
$Key = $R.Replace("HKCU","")}
$Key = $R.Replace("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE","")}
"HKLM*" {$PSPro = "HKLM"
$Key = $R.Replace("HKLM","")}
# Determine if this key is
$Result = $False
$Result = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {Param ($PSPro, $Key) Test-path -Path "$($PSPro):$($Key)"} `
-Session $Session `
-ArgumentList $PSPro, $Key
If ($Result -eq $True) {$OutResult = $True}
Write-Output $OutResult
} # End:
Function Search-RegValue
Function Search-File
Param ([String[]]$Files,
# Initialize the memory to be
used in this function.
$Found = $False
$PSPro = $Null
$OutResult = $False
ForEach ($F in $Files)
# Determine if this file is
$Result = $False
$Result = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {Param ($F) Test-path -Path "$($F)"} `
-Session $Session `
-ArgumentList $F
If ($Result -eq $True) {$OutResult = $True}
Write-Output $OutResult
} # End:
# For PowerShell V2 Compatibility
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
ForEach ($C in (Get-ADComputer -Filter * | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name))
#Create the object for this
$Obj = New-ScriptObject
# Write the name of the client
for this instance.
$Obj.ComputerName = $C
# Test for online
$Obj.Online = Test-Connection -ComputerName $C -Count 1 -Quiet
If ($Obj.Online -eq $True)
# Establish a PSSession to the
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $C -ErrorAction Stop
$Obj.PSSessionAvailable = $False
If ($Obj.PSSessionAvailable -eq $True)
# Search for a matching registry
If ($RegKey -ne $NUll)
$Obj.RegValueMatch = Search-RegValue -RegKey $RegKey `
-c $Obj.ComputerName `
-Session $Session
# Search for a matching file.
If ($Files -ne $NUll)
{$Obj.FileValueMatch = Search-File -Files $Files `
-C $Obj.ComputerName `
-Session $Session
$Session | Remove-PSSession
} # End: If
($Obj.PSSessionAvailable -eq $True)
} # End: If
($Obj.Online -eq $True)
# Send the object to the pipeline
Write-Output $Obj
Allows you to scan for potential
viruses signatures in your environment.
Allows you to search for registry
keys and files that may signal if a virus is present.
You will have to provide the
registry keys and or files to search for. This script does
not contain any virus signatures.
A comma separated list of all
registry keys to search for. The
is a comma separate list
of possible values. Each value must be contained inside of
double quotes.
The following example contains 2
separate registry keys.
A comma separated list of all
files to search for. The is
a comma separate list
of possible values. Each value must be contained inside of
double quotes.
The following example contains 2
separate files to be searched for.
"C:\Documents and Settings\user-account-name\aqjunayn.exe"
Search-VirusSignature -RegKey
-Files "C:\Windows\System32\aqjunayn.exe",
"C:\Documents and Settings\user-account-name\aqjunayn.exe"
Searches for 2 potential registry
keys and 2 potential files that may signal a particular virus.
Script requirements:
- Active Directory Module for
Windows PowerShell.
You can get access to the Active
Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
by downloading and installing the
Remote Server Administrator tools from
Microsoft or running this script on a
Domain Controller
- PowerShell Remoting turned on
on all clients.
PowerShell remoting is turned on for
all domain joined Windows 8 and
Windows Server 2012 clients.
You can enable PowerShell remoting for
Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2
using these instructions:
Object Properties Definitions
ComputerName: The name of the client where contact
is being attempted.
Online: The client's online status Offline clients will not be
RegValueMatch: If True, the a registry value that you
have search for
was found.
FileValueMatch: If True, the a file that you have
search for was found.
PSSessionAvailable: True
represents a successful PSSession establishment.
Unsuccessful sessions will not be
tested for Reg and file
Only client that return a true
value for both Online and PSSessionAvailable
have been tested.
== Cmdlet: Search-VirusSignature ==
== Module: PSV3 ==
== Author: Jason A. Yoder ==
== Company: MCTExpert or Arizona,
Inc. ==
== Blog: MCTExpert.Blogspot.com ==
== Twitter: @JasonYoder_MCT ==
== License Information: ==
== Copyright 2013 - MCTExpert,
Inc. ==
== This code is licensed for
personal use only. This
code may not be ==
== re published or distributed in
whole or in part without the express ==
== written consent of MCTExpert
of Arizona, Inc. All rights
reserved. ==
== Disclaimer: The user takes
full responsibility for the execution of any ==
== PowerShell code. This code is provided without warranty
or support. ==
== As with all PowerShell code,
review it and test it in a test environment ==
== prior to using it in a
production environment. The
user takes complete ==
== responsibility for the results
of executing this code. ==
} # End: