Well, today was a fun one in class. I completely forgot my own code to enumerate every command that has a ComputerName parameter in it. It is no secrete that I use this blog for my own repository, so here is the code.
1 | Get-Command | Where {$_.Parameters.Keys -eq "Computername"} |
First I execute the cmdlet Get-Command. Remember, the number of commands that are returned will vary depending on what you have installed on your system. Each command is an object. Take a look at this example.
PS C:\> $C = Get-Command -Name Invoke-Command
PS C:\> $C | GM
TypeName: System.Management.Automation.CmdletInfo
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
GetType Method type GetType()
ResolveParameter Method System.Management.Automation.ParameterMet...
ToString Method string ToString()
CommandType Property System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes...
DefaultParameterSet Property string DefaultParameterSet {get;}
Definition Property string Definition {get;}
HelpFile Property string HelpFile {get;}
ImplementingType Property type ImplementingType {get;}
Module Property psmoduleinfo Module {get;}
ModuleName Property string ModuleName {get;}
Name Property string Name {get;}
Noun Property string Noun {get;}
Options Property System.Management.Automation.ScopedItemOp...
OutputType Property System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCo...
Parameters Property System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[str...
ParameterSets Property System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCo...
PSSnapIn Property System.Management.Automation.PSSnapInInfo...
RemotingCapability Property System.Management.Automation.RemotingCapa...
Verb Property string Verb {get;}
Visibility Property System.Management.Automation.SessionState...
DLL ScriptProperty System.Object DLL {get=$this.Implementing...
HelpUri ScriptProperty System.Object HelpUri {get=$oldProgressPr...
Notice that there is a Parameters property. This property is an object with a Keys parameter. It is in this parameter that you will find a list of all parameter names for this command.