How to Extract all of the Cmdlets used in a Script
This idea actually came from a member of my class. He compiled all of the code that we created
over the past week and wanted to know every unique cmdlet that we used. He was attempting to work with the –Match comparison operator and had a
good query. I thought this was a good
idea so I wrote some code to help him out.
This is a good way to inventory your cmdlets so you can find
out which modules you need to have available when running your code on other
# How to extract all of the unique cmdlets used in a script.
Function Get-UsedCommands
Param (
= Get-Content -Path
$Path -ErrorAction
= @()
= @()
($D in
+= Select-String "\w+-\w+"
-input $D -AllMatches |
# Verify
that each cmdlet starts with a PowerShell verb.
# This is
to prevent false positives.
= (Get-Verb).Verb
($A in
= ($A.Value).Remove(($A.Value).IndexOf("-"),$A.length-($A.Value).IndexOf("-"))
($Value -in $Verbs)
+= $A.Value.trim()
= New-Object -TypeName
PSObject -Property
Count = ($Output | Sort-Object
-Unique | Measure-Object).Count
{$Output | Sort-Object
"File not found"}
Reads a file and gets all of the cmdlets used.
Reads the contents of a file and either displays all of the
cmdlets used in the file or counts them. Only cmdlets that use
approved PowerShell verbs will be counted.
Returns the number of unique PowerShell Commands used.
The path to the script.
Get-UsedCommands -Path "E:\One Drive\ChangeUsers.ps1"
Reads the ChangeUsers.ps1 file and returns the unique cmdlets
used in that script.
Get-UsedCommands -Path "E:\One
Drive\ChangeUsers.ps1" -Count
Reads the ChangeUsers.ps1 file and counts the unique cmdlets
used in that script.
== Cmdlet: Get-UsedCommands
== Author: Jason A. Yoder
== Company: MCTExpert of Arizona ==
== Date: January 15, 2016
== Copyright: All rights reserved. ==
== Version:
== Legal: The user assumes all responsibility and liability
for the usage of ==
== this PowerShell code.
MCTExpert of Arizona, Its officers, shareholders, ==
== owners, and their relatives are not liable for any
damages. As with all ==
== code, review it and understand it prior to usage. It is recommended that ==
== this code be fully tested and validated in a test
environment prior to ==
== usage in a production environment. ==
== Does this code make changes: NO ==