Thanks to a lot of press, Pokémon Go raised Nintendo’s stock
price by over 30% Today. Unfortunately,
you may not be able to set a stop loss on it to protect those gains because it
is traded on a foreign stock market. In
this post, we will use SAPIEN PowerShell Studio 2016 to create a small GUI to
alert us should the stock fall below a specified price.
First off, create a New
Form Project.
Next you will need to create a form using 3 labels and 2
text boxes. Set the name of the first text box to Textbox_Symbol and the second to Textbox_Low for the fourth
label, set the name to Label_Price. The names of the other form controls do not
matter for this exercise.
Pre-populate the value of Symbol with NTDOY. Also pre-populate the
value of Low with your selling price.
Also add a Timer control and leave the default settings.
In the script tab, replace the code with what is below.
$timer1.Interval = 5000
# Set the
refresh for 5 minutes.
$timer1.Interval = 300000
= $textbox_Symbol.Text
= "$Sym&f=snl1ghjk"
= New-Object
-TypeName PSObject
-Property @{
Ask = $Null
DayLow = $Null
DayHigh = $Null
YearLow = $Null
YearHigh = $Null
= Invoke-RestMethod
-Uri $URL
= $Data.Replace("N/A", "NA")
$Obj.Ask = ($Data.Split(","))[2]
$Obj.DayLow = ($Data.Split(","))[3]
$Obj.DayHigh = ($Data.Split(","))[4]
$Obj.YearLow = ($Data.Split(","))[5]
$Obj.YearHigh = ($Data.Split(","))[6]
$label_Price.Text = $Obj.Ask
-gt $textbox_Low.text) {$label_Price.BackColor = 'Green'}
{ $label_Price.BackColor
= 'Red'}
} # END:
function Get-StockInfo
}#end timer1_Tick
Here is the end result.
Not much, but if the price drops below $27.00, the price
turns red. This is just a basic example
of how to create a GUI with SAPIEN PowerShell Studio 2016. I encourage you to download the trial
edition. You can down load it from here:
Remember that this is an alert from data that is about 10 to 20 minutes old. You will also have to trigger the sell manually. This is just a demo to show you the possibilities of using SAPIEN PowerShell Studio 2016 and not an actual stock trading tool.
$Obj = $Data.Replace("N/A","NA")|ConvertFrom-Csv -Header Symbol,Description,Ask,Daylow,DayHigh,YearLow,YearHigh