Wow! It has been a
while since I last blogged. This has
been a very busy year. Between my Navy activities and all the classes that I’m
bringing online for clients, I am burning the candle at both ends.
As many of you know, my last day of a PowerShell class is “Project
Day”. One of the projects that I helped
out with this week involved determining if UAC was enabled. Utilizing the template we created in class
and a check of the registry, we were able to:
- Remote to each client.
- Determine if the client was online.
- Report back the state of UAC.
I decided to advance the code just a little to make sure
everything reports back as an object.
Below is that code. Wish I had
more time to explain it step by step, but I have to keep moving. I only have 3 weeks to get everything done
for PowerShell Conference Europe.
ForEach ($N
in (Get-ADComputer
-filter *).Name)
$Obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
-Property @{
ComputerName =
UACEnabled =
Online =
$Obj.ComputerName =
= Invoke-Command
$N `
Stop `
-Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
-Name EnableLUA).EnableLUA
$Obj.Online = $True
($Data =
1) {$Obj.UACEnabled =
= $False}
Catch {$Online = $False}