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Showing posts from February, 2010

How to control which files are cached in branch cache.

You can control which files are in the Brach Cache on your Branch Cache Server. Once you install Branch Cache, you can enable it on all file shares or on a per-folder basis. Once you have the BranchCache feature installed, go to the properties of one of the folders that you want to enable Branch Cache on. · Click the Sharing tab. · Click Advanced Sharing . · Click the Caching button. · Under Only the files and programs that users specify are available offline , Check the box for Enable BranchCache.

Why are there ActiveX GPOs for IE trusted zones.

GPOs (Group Policy Objects) allow us to do a one-to-many administration of our clients. The question is why do we need ActiveX group policy objects for IE. Well, ActiveX controllers allow your web browsers to have more functionality. They let your users do more in a web page. They can also be malacious. The ActiveX GPO settings allow you to control what type of ActiveX controls your users can instal, and from where. By designatation ActiveX restriction in your IE trusted zones, you can make sure that your ActiveX controllers are properly tested prior to allowing them to be installed on your clients. The link below explains more about the individual GPOs for ActiveX.

CodeBaseSearch value for redirecting ActiveX

In class, we discussed the ability of Windows 7 to utilize a central server for all ActiveX installs. The advantage to this is you get to choose which ActiveX controllers are approved for your organization. The attached link from Microsoft will guide you in configuring this central site. The CodeBaseSearch string is the location of the central web server that hosts you ActiveX control repository.

What are the event IDs in the System Log when a user exceeds their Quota.

Disk Quotas are easy ways of making sure that a single user does not consum all of your network storage space. On an individual computer, it makes sure the user does not consume space that you need for future applications. I did a quick test run to get the correct event log enteries for quotas. In class, we had some that were generating log enties and some that were not. When properly configured, you will get enteries for: Exceeded warning threshold: Event ID: 36 Cource Ntfs Log: System Message: A user hit their quota threshold on volume volume label : When the user hits their quota limit: Event ID: 37 Cource Ntfs Log: System Message: A user hit their quota threshold on volume volume label : The difference between both messages is the Event ID.

In using the Netsh BranchCache command, what does the importkey and exportkey do?

Branch Cache is a new feature in Windows 7/2008 R2 that allows your Windows 7 clients (or 2008 R2 server) to cache documents in a local site, as opposed to having to accessed shared documents over a slow connection. The expoertkey and importkey switches are used to designate a file that stores a key that is used to generate a hash of the file. For more information:

How do you know which hardware ID the client used to match a driver to?

To find out which hardware ID was used in driver selection, we need to take a look at two properties of the driver. The Hardware ID and the Driver Node Strong Name . Every PnP device has a set of hardware Ids that are set by the manufacture. They range from specifically identifying the device. The manufacture will also include some IDs that are a close match. When Windows starts up, it enumerates all devices in the computer. It ranks them with the most specific hardware ID with a rank of zero. It will then try to match a driver in the driver store to the hardware ID with the lowest rank. If a driver is not available for the ID with the lowest rank, it tries to match a driver to the next ID in the list. The question is, which hardware ID was used? · Open your Device Manager. · Select a device. (It must be one that does not have any issues.) · Go to its properties . · Click Details tab. · Select Driver Node Str...

What does the /uel option do in User State Migration Tool.

User State Migration Tool (USMT) is a scriptable tool that is used to transfer the user data so you can upgrade an OS or provide them with a new computer. It is designed to retain most of there user experience from the previous computer and to make sure that their data is where it is supposed to be. The question that came up is, what does the /UEL option do? The /uel switch replaces the /user option from previous version of USMT. It allows you to migrate only users that have logged into the source computer within a specific amount of time. This prevents you from transferring data from users who may have logged into that machine for some reason in the distant path, but most likely do not need their profiles moved. The syntax for this option in the SCANSTATE command is [/uel:NumberOfDays|YYYY/MM/DD|0] /uel:0 will migrate all data for any user who is currently logged on. /uel:90 will migrate data for all users who have logged on in the last 90 days. /uel:2002/1/15 migrates user data f...

Using PowerShell to Manage AD DS Recycle Bin

We learned last Tuesday how to turn on the AD DS Recycle Bin using PowerShell. To help manage the recovery process and cut down on you typing, try the script below. It will help you find the objects you are looking to recover. It is provided as is. For easier reading, copy and paste it into Notepad. # =========================================================== # Script Name: ADRecycleBin.PS1 # Author: Jason A. Yoder, MCT # Website: # Blog: # =========================================================== # =========================================================== # Script Purpose: # This script is designed to make it easier to recover # objects from the Active Directory Recycle Bin on a # Windows Server 2008 R2 Domain Controller. # # =========================================================== # =========================================================== # Script Requirments # 1. This script must be run on a Windows Server 2008 R2 # Domain...

6422A-Implementing and Managing Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V is now available through MCTExpert.

6422A-Implementing and Managing Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V has been added to the course offerings from MCTExpert. Hyper-V is Microsoft's latest virtualization solution. If you have not tried virtualization, or are interested in its potential, you need to look into this class. I've been utilizing Hyper-V for over a year now. Those of you who have been in my classes know that I bring my test environment with me and I use it to simulate your questions. In this class we will also learn how to utilize System Center Virtual Machine Manager to help our developers and testing staff.