FRUSTRATION!!! Don’t you just love it when you change nothing and then something breaks? Working with VSCode and Azure, I do a lot of Infrastructure as Code. I love the idea of being able to write code that builds exactly what I want, every time. The problem is that on occasion, things change outside the scope of my code and now I am trying to solve a mystery. The latest one involves whenever I run a simple Azure command. For exam, Get-AZVM . This should not be hard. Well, here is the result in VSCode. No subscription found in the context. Please ensure that the credentials you provided are authorized to access an Azure subscription, then run Connect-AzAccount to login So, I execute : Connect-AzAccount When you do this, it brings us to a website to go to and a code to enter. PS C : \ Connect-AzAccount WARNING : To sign in , use a web browser to open the page https : // and enter the code FNTC8...
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