This is day 2 of how to create an error log.
For those of you who have taken one of my PowerShell classes
over the years, you know that I like to address all of the issues of a
problem. Our first issue is “does the
error log exists?” If we are going to
append to if, we need to make sure that it is already present. The function below can be added to your code
to verify that the log exists. If not,
then it will create the log. One thing
to take note of, this code does note address error logs stored on a remote
system. This is only tested for error
logs stored on the local system.
Function Test-ErrorLog
Param (
# Test the
If (!(Test-Path -Path $Path))
"Creating the directory $Path"
-Path $Path
-ItemType Directory
# Test the
If (!(Test-Path -Path "$Path\$Name"))
"Creating the file $Name"
-Path "$Path\$Name" -ItemType File
Verifies the existence of an your error log.
Verifies the existence of an your error log. If no error log
is present,
then the file is created.
The directory location of the error log.
The name of the error log.
Test-ErrorLog -Path c:\ps\error -Name Error.csv
== Function: Test-ErrorLog
== Author: Jason A. Yoder
== Company: MCTExpert of Arizona ==
== Date: October 2, 2016
== Copyright: All rights reserved. ==
== Version:
== Legal: The user assumes all responsibility and liability
for the usage of ==
== this PowerShell code.
MCTExpert of Arizona, Its officers, shareholders, ==
== owners, and their relatives are not liable for any
damages. As with all ==
== code, review it and understand it prior to usage. It is recommended that ==
== this code be fully tested and validated in a test
environment prior to ==
== usage in a production environment. ==
== Does this code make changes: NO ==
# END: Function Test-ErrorLog