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Expire and Un-Expire User Accounts with PowerShell

In class we had a project that required us to read in a text file that started with a users email address and then was followed by dates on the same line.  The data file appeared as below,1/12/2012,1/13/2012,1/14,2012,2/3/2012,3/4/2012

The requirement was for this script to run every morning and expire any accounts who had a date that matched the current date.  Also, any accounts who’s expiration date was the previous day needed to be un-expired.  Below is the code to do it.


Function: Test-File
Verifies that a file exists.

Returns True is the file is present.

Function Test-File
$FilePath, $FileName

$TestPath = $FilePath + "\" + $FileName
$FileReady = Test-Path -path $TestPath
Write-output $FileReady

#End: Test File


Confirms if a module is available.


Confirms if the provided parameter is available on
the local client.


The name of the module who?s presence is being checked.


Confirm-Module ActiveDirectory

Checks to see if the ActiveDirectory module is
present on the local machine

Returns True is present and False if not.





Function Confirm-Module


($ModuleName = $(Throw "You need to provide a module name."))

# Place the name of the module from Get-Module into
# the variable $Data
$Data = (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $ModuleName).name

# If the contents of $Data is equal to the variable
# $ModuleName, the module is present, return
# True. If not, return $False.
If ($Data -eq $ModuleName){Return $True}
Else {Return $False}


Exampines a list of users and date and expires a users account should the date match the present date.
Also will un-expire any user account that had an expiration date of the previous date.


Exampines a list of users and date and expires a users account should the date match the present date.
Also will un-expire any user account that had an expiration date of the previous date.

The data file is in the format

Any number of dates can be to the right of the email address as long as the dates are seperated by commas and the short date format (ie. 1/20/2012)

Designed to run as a scheduled task in the morning.


Forlder location of the data file.
ex: c:\data


Name of the data file.
ex: VacationDates.txt


Expore-Users C:\Data VacationDates.txt

Parses a list of user email addresses and dates and determines which user accounts should be expired.




Function Expire-User
($FilePath = "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents",
$FileName = "vacationData.txt"

# Verify that thefile exists.
# Return TRUE if it does.
# Break fro mthe script if FALSE.
$Result = Test-File $FilePath $FileName
If (-not $Result)
Write-host "Data File not found" -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkRed

# Verify that the Active Directory module is available.
If (-not (Confirm-Module ActiveDirectory))
Write-host "Active Directory Module not available"
-ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkRed
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# Read the data file.
$UserList = Get-Content ($FilePath + "\" + $FileName)

# Get Todays date - Use the .NET Frameforwork date format:
# d - Short date
$Date = Get-Date -Format d

# Loop Through each string in the data file and find
# user data that contains todays date.

ForEach ($UserData in $UserList)
If ($UserData -match $Date)
$UserObject = ($StringArr = ($UserData.Split(",")[0]))
#Get-ADUser -filter 'EmailAddress -eq $UserObject' |
#Set-ADUser -AccountExpirationDate $date

# End: ForEach ($User in $UserList)

# Check for accounts that need to reset the expiration.
$Yesterday = ((Get-Date).AddDays(-1)).ToShortDateString()

# Create the date object to store the AD un-expired time
# of January 1, 1970
$NewDate = Get-Date 1/1/1970

# Get any user object that was expired on the previous
# day and unexpire the account.
Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties AccountExpirationDate |
Where-Object {$_.AccountExpirationDate -eq $Yesterday} |
Set-ADUser -AccountExpirationDate $NewDate

Write-host "End"

# End: Function Expire-User



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