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Using Text Based Logs with Windows PowerShell (8 of 8)

Day 8: The Final Product
Yesterday we created our custom empty object.  Today we send the final set of data to the PowerShell pipeline by completing the final two steps:
4.       Read the log records into the object.
5.       Send to the pipeline.
For this final phase of this project, we will be adding the function New-LogObject to our cmdlet.  In this function, we will place the properties from the log file record into a PowerShell object and send these objects into the pipeline.
    Function New-LogObject
    Param ($PropList, $RecordIndex, $EmptyObject, $Log)
    # Creates the final object for each log record and returns the
    # Custom.LogObject back to the calling statement.
        # Create an instance of Custome.Logobject
        $Obj = $EmptyObject
        # Cycle through each record and populate the object.
        ForEach($R in $RecordIndex)
            # Write the slot information.
            $Pos = $Log[$R.Start].Indexof("#")
            $Value = $Log[$R.Start].Substring($Pos+1)
            $Pos = $Value.IndexOf(" ")
            $Obj.slot = $Value.SubString(0,$Pos).Trim()
            # Cycle through each property of this record.
            # Convert the property name to the same format as those in
            # the $PropList using the Format-PropertyName function.
            # Compare the property names.  If a match is found, then
            # add the data to the property in the object.
            For($X=$R.Start+1;$X -lt $R.End; $X++)
                # Examine only lines from the record that are not blank.
                If (($Log[$X].length -gt 0) -and ($Log[$X] -like "*:*"))
                    $PropName = Format-PropertyName -Name $Log[$X]
                    ForEach ($P in $PropList.Prop)
                        If ($PropName -eq $P)
                            # Extract the data.
                            $String = $Log[$X].Trim()
                            $Pos = $String.IndexOF(":")
                            $Value = $String.Substring($Pos+1).Trim()
                            $Obj.$P = $Value
                        } # End: If ($PropName -eq $P)
                    } # End: ForEach ($P in $PropList.Prop)
                } # End: If (($Log[$X].length -gt 0) -and ($Log[$X] -like "*:*"))
            } # End: For($X=$R.Start+1;$X -lt $R.End; $X++)
            # Return the object to the calling statement.       
            Write-Output $Obj
    } # End: Function New-LogObject
We pass the objects that we created in the previous functions and the log itself to the New-LogObject function.  We then cycle through each record using the  values in the $RecordIndex object. The first item in each record contains the Slot property value.  4 lines of code is dedicated to filtering out this value from the string and placing it in the Slot property.  Next each line is examine.  If the line is not empty and matches the pattern “*:*” then the line is consider to have a property and a value. The Format-PropertyName function is used to extract the property name.  The ForEach loop will cycle through each property name in the $PropList object until a match is found with the property currently being examined in the log.  The value of this property is extracted from the log file and placed in the corresponding property in the object.  Once all the properties in the $PropList object has been compared, the object is returned and sent to the PowerShell Pipeline.
Here is the full code:
Function Import-MyLog2
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Function Get-Log
    # Reads the log file into memory.  Will display an error if the
    # file cannot be found.
            Get-Content -path "\\Server1\Log\Data2." `
                        -ErrorAction Stop |
            Write-Error "The data file is not present"
    } # End: Function Get-Log
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Function Get-RecordIndex
    Param ($Log)
    # Determines the index number of where each record starts and ends.
    # Returns an object with the start and end index number of
    # each record.
        # Array to hold all of the objects.
        $Object = @()
        # Find the start of each record.
        For($X=0;$X -lt $Log.Count; $X++)
            If($Log[$X] -like "Server Blade #* Information:")
                $Obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
                $Obj | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Start" `
                                  -NotePropertyValue $X
                $Obj | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "End" `
                                  -NotePropertyValue $Null
                $Object += $Obj
        } # End: For($X=0;$X -lt $Log.Count; $X++)
        # Derive the end of each record.
        For ($X = 0; $X -lt $Object.Count - 1; $X++)
            $Object[$X].End = $Object[$X+1].Start -1
        } # End: For ($X = 0; $X -lt $Object.Count; $X++)
        # Add the final End value as the end of the log file.
        $Object[$Object.count-1].End = $Log.count
        # Return the object to the calling statement.
        Write-Output $Object
    } # End: Function Get-RecordIndex
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Function Format-PropertyName
    Param ($Name)
    # Used to get the proper name format for the list of properties and also
    # While creating the actual data for the final objects.
        $Value = $Name.Trim()
        $Pos = $Value.IndexOf(":")
        Write-Output $Value.Substring(0,$Pos).Replace(" ","")
    } # End: Function Format-PropertyName
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Function Get-PropertyList
    Param($RecordIndex, $Log)
    # To help build a more flexible object, we need to identify possible
    # property names.  This function will cycle through each record and use
    # a rule to identify the name of a property.  Our rule is any string
    # other than the string that starts the record that starts with blank
    # characters, has text, and the it will end at the first ":".  All spaces
    # in the property names will also be removed.
        # Array to hold all of the objects.
        $Object = @()
        ForEach ($R in $RecordIndex)
            For ($X=$R.Start+1;$X -lt $R.End;$X++)
                # Examine only lines from the record that are not blank.
                If (($Log[$X].length -gt 0) -and ($Log[$X] -like "*:*"))
                    $Obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
                    $Obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
                                      -Name "Prop" `
                                      -Value (Format-PropertyName -Name $Log[$X])
                   $Object += $Obj                
            } # End: For ($X=$R.Start;$X -lt $R.End;$X++)
        } # End: ForEach ($R in $RecordIndex)
        # Add the "Slot" property to record the slot number.
        $Obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
        $Obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
                            -Name "Prop" `
                            -Value "Slot"
        $Object += $Obj
        # Filter the list of protential properties to make sure that they
        # are all unique.
        $Object = $Object | Select-Object -Property Prop -Unique
        # Return the object to the calling statement.
        Write-Output $Object
    } # End: Function Get-PropertyList
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Function Get-Record
    Param ($Log,$RecordIndex)
        # Array to hold all of the objects.
        $Object = @()
        ForEach($R in $RecordIndex)
            $Obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
            $String = $Null
            For($X=$R.Start;$X -lt $R.End; $X++)
                $String += $Log[$X]
            $Object += $String  
        # Return the object to the calling statement.
        Write-Output $Object
    } # End: Function Get-Record
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Function New-EmptyObject
    Param ($PropList)
    # Creates an empty object to be used for each instance of the final
    # object. This ensures a consistent set of members for the object.
        $Obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject
        # Change the type name.
        ForEach ($P in $Proplist.Prop)
            $Obj | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "$($P)" `
                              -NotePropertyValue $Null
        } # End: ForEach ($P in $Proplist.Prop)
        # Return the object to the calling statement.
        Write-Output $Obj
    } # End Function New-EmptyObject
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Function New-LogObject
    Param ($PropList, $RecordIndex, $EmptyObject, $Log)
    # Creates the final object for each log record and returns the
    # Custom.LogObject back to the calling statement.
        # Create an instance of Custome.Logobject
        $Obj = $EmptyObject
        # Cycle through each record and populate the object.
        ForEach($R in $RecordIndex)
            # Write the slot information.
            $Pos = $Log[$R.Start].Indexof("#")
            $Value = $Log[$R.Start].Substring($Pos+1)
            $Pos = $Value.IndexOf(" ")
            $Obj.slot = $Value.SubString(0,$Pos).Trim()
            # Cycle through each property of this record.
            # Convert the property name to the same format as those in
            # the $PropList using the Format-PropertyName function.
            # Compare the property names.  If a match is found, then
            # add the data to the property in the object.
            For($X=$R.Start+1;$X -lt $R.End; $X++)
                # Examine only lines from the record that are not blank.
                If (($Log[$X].length -gt 0) -and ($Log[$X] -like "*:*"))
                    $PropName = Format-PropertyName -Name $Log[$X]
                    ForEach ($P in $PropList.Prop)
                        If ($PropName -eq $P)
                            # Extract the data.
                            $String = $Log[$X].Trim()
                            $Pos = $String.IndexOF(":")
                            $Value = $String.Substring($Pos+1).Trim()
                            $Obj.$P = $Value
                        } # End: If ($PropName -eq $P)
                    } # End: ForEach ($P in $PropList.Prop)
                } # End: If (($Log[$X].length -gt 0) -and ($Log[$X] -like "*:*"))
            } # End: For($X=$R.Start+1;$X -lt $R.End; $X++)
            # Return the object to the calling statement.       
            Write-Output $Obj
    } # End: Function New-LogObject
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Load the log into memory
    $Log = Get-Log
    # Extract the records
    $RecordIndex = Get-RecordIndex -Log $Log
    # Extract the propertyl list.
    $PropList = Get-PropertyList -RecordIndex $RecordIndex -Log $Log
    # Create an empty object to use as our template using our $PropList.
    $EmptyObj = New-EmptyObject -PropList $PropList
    # Build the final object.
    New-LogObject -PropList $PropList `
                  -RecordIndex $RecordIndex `
                  -EmptyObject $EmptyObj `
                  -Log $Log
} #End: Function Import-MyLog1
Here is the output:
ServerBladeType                  : No Server Blade Installed
Type                             :
Manufacturer                     :
ProductName                      :
PartNumber                       :
SystemBoardSparePartNumber       :
SerialNumber                     :
UUID                             :
ServerName                       :
AssetTag                         :
ROMVersion                       :
CPU1                             :
CPU2                             :
Memory                           :
NIC1                             :
NIC2                             :
NIC3                             :
NIC4                             :
iSCSI1                           :
iSCSI2                           :
Mezzanine2                       :
Port1                            :
Port2                            :
ManagementProcessorInformation   :
Name                             :
FirmwareVersion                  :
IPAddress                        :
MACAddress                       :
PowerManagementControllerVersion :
FLBAdapter1                      :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC1)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC3)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC5)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC7)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC2)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC4)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC6)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC8)LOM1        :
Slot                             : 7
ServerBladeType                  : No Server Blade Installed
Type                             : iLO2
Manufacturer                     : HP
ProductName                      : ProLiant BL480c G1
PartNumber                       : 404707-B21
SystemBoardSparePartNumber       : 438453-001
SerialNumber                     : 9999999999
UUID                             : 37343034-3730-4247-3837-999999999999
ServerName                       : SRV000001
AssetTag                         : [Unknown]
ROMVersion                       : I14 10/25/2010
CPU1                             : Dual-Core Intel Xeon 3000 MHz
CPU2                             : Dual-Core Intel Xeon 3000 MHz
Memory                           : 49152 MB
NIC1                             : 00:19:BB:34:61:1C
NIC2                             : 00:19:BB:34:41:24
NIC3                             : 00:19:BB:29:92:37
NIC4                             : 00:19:BB:29:92:38
iSCSI1                           : 00:19:BB:34:61:1D
iSCSI2                           : 00:19:BB:34:41:25
Mezzanine2                       : QLogic QMH2462 4Gb FC HBA for HP c-Class BladeSystem
Port1                            : 50:06:0b:00:00:6b:d3:9c
Port2                            : 50:06:0b:00:00:6b:d3:9e
ManagementProcessorInformation   :
Name                             : SRV000001-i
FirmwareVersion                  : 2.12 Jul 16 2012
IPAddress                        :
MACAddress                       : 00:19:AA:34:21:99
PowerManagementControllerVersion : 0.5
FLBAdapter1                      :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC1)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC3)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC5)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC7)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC2)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC4)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC6)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC8)LOM1        :
Slot                             : 8
ServerBladeType                  : Bay Subsumed
Type                             : iLO2
Manufacturer                     : HP
ProductName                      : ProLiant BL480c G1
PartNumber                       : 404707-B21
SystemBoardSparePartNumber       : 438453-001
SerialNumber                     : 9999999999
UUID                             : 37343034-3730-4247-3837-999999999999
ServerName                       : SRV000001
AssetTag                         : [Unknown]
ROMVersion                       : I14 10/25/2010
CPU1                             : Dual-Core Intel Xeon 3000 MHz
CPU2                             : Dual-Core Intel Xeon 3000 MHz
Memory                           : 49152 MB
NIC1                             : 00:19:BB:34:61:1C
NIC2                             : 00:19:BB:34:41:24
NIC3                             : 00:19:BB:29:92:37
NIC4                             : 00:19:BB:29:92:38
iSCSI1                           : 00:19:BB:34:61:1D
iSCSI2                           : 00:19:BB:34:41:25
Mezzanine2                       : QLogic QMH2462 4Gb FC HBA for HP c-Class BladeSystem
Port1                            : 50:06:0b:00:00:6b:d3:9c
Port2                            : 50:06:0b:00:00:6b:d3:9e
ManagementProcessorInformation   :
Name                             : SRV000001-i
FirmwareVersion                  : 2.12 Jul 16 2012
IPAddress                        :
MACAddress                       : 00:19:AA:34:21:99
PowerManagementControllerVersion : 0.5
FLBAdapter1                      :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC1)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC3)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC5)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC7)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC2)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC4)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC6)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC8)LOM1        :
Slot                             : 9
ServerBladeType                  : Bay Subsumed
Type                             : iLO2
Manufacturer                     : HP
ProductName                      : ProLiant BL480c G1
PartNumber                       : 404707-B21
SystemBoardSparePartNumber       : 438453-001
SerialNumber                     : 9999999999
UUID                             : 37343034-3730-4247-3837-999999999999
ServerName                       : SRV000001
AssetTag                         : [Unknown]
ROMVersion                       : I14 10/25/2010
CPU1                             : Dual-Core Intel Xeon 3000 MHz
CPU2                             : Dual-Core Intel Xeon 3000 MHz
Memory                           : 49152 MB
NIC1                             : 00:19:BB:34:61:1C
NIC2                             : 00:19:BB:34:41:24
NIC3                             : 00:19:BB:29:92:37
NIC4                             : 00:19:BB:29:92:38
iSCSI1                           : 00:19:BB:34:61:1D
iSCSI2                           : 00:19:BB:34:41:25
Mezzanine2                       : QLogic QMH2462 4Gb FC HBA for HP c-Class BladeSystem
Port1                            : 50:06:0b:00:00:6b:d3:9c
Port2                            : 50:06:0b:00:00:6b:d3:9e
ManagementProcessorInformation   :
Name                             : SRV000001-i
FirmwareVersion                  : 2.12 Jul 16 2012
IPAddress                        :
MACAddress                       : 00:19:AA:34:21:99
PowerManagementControllerVersion : 0.5
FLBAdapter1                      :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC1)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC3)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC5)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC7)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC2)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC4)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC6)LOM1        :
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC8)LOM1        :
Slot                             : 10
ServerBladeType                  : Bay Subsumed
Type                             : iLO4
Manufacturer                     : HP
ProductName                      : ProLiant BL460c Gen8
PartNumber                       : 641016-B21
SystemBoardSparePartNumber       : 719592-001
SerialNumber                     : 9999999999
UUID                             : 30313436-3631-5A43-3332-99999999999
ServerName                       : SRV0000002
AssetTag                         : [Unknown]
ROMVersion                       : I31 08/20/2012
CPU1                             : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2609 0 @ 2.40GHz (4 cores)
CPU2                             : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2609 0 @ 2.40GHz (4 cores)
Memory                           : 16384 MB
NIC1                             : 00:19:BB:34:61:1C
NIC2                             : 00:19:BB:34:41:24
NIC3                             : 00:19:BB:29:92:37
NIC4                             : 00:19:BB:29:92:38
iSCSI1                           : 00:19:BB:34:61:1D
iSCSI2                           : 00:19:BB:34:41:25
Mezzanine2                       : QLogic QMH2462 4Gb FC HBA for HP c-Class BladeSystem
Port1                            : 50:06:0b:00:00:6b:d3:9c
Port2                            : 50:06:0b:00:00:6b:d3:9e
ManagementProcessorInformation   :
Name                             : SRV0000002_i
FirmwareVersion                  : 1.10 Jul 17 2012
IPAddress                        :
MACAddress                       : 10:61:4B:AD:C2:A7
PowerManagementControllerVersion : 3.0
FLBAdapter1                      : HP FlexFabric 10Gb 2-port 554FLB Adapter
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC1)LOM1        : 1-a    6C:3B:E5:A9:DB:B0
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC3)LOM1        : 1-b    6C:3B:E5:A9:DB:B1
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC5)LOM1        : 1-c    6C:3B:E5:A9:DB:B2
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC7)LOM1        : 1-d    6C:3B:E5:A9:DB:B3
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC2)LOM1        : 2-a    6C:3B:E5:A9:DB:B4
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC4)LOM1        : 2-b    6C:3B:E5:A9:DB:B5
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC6)LOM1        : 2-c    6C:3B:E5:A9:DB:B6
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC8)LOM1        : 2-d    6C:3B:E5:A9:DB:B7
Here is the member information for the returned object:
PS C:\> Import-MyLog2 | Get-Member
   TypeName: Custom.LogObject
Name                             MemberType   Definition                                            
----                             ----------   ----------                                            
Equals                           Method       bool Equals(System.Object obj)                        
GetHashCode                      Method       int GetHashCode()                                     
GetType                          Method       type GetType()                                        
ToString                         Method       string ToString()                                     
AssetTag                         NoteProperty  AssetTag=null                                        
CPU1                             NoteProperty  CPU1=null                                             
CPU2                             NoteProperty  CPU2=null                                            
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC1)LOM1        NoteProperty  EthernetFlexNIC(NIC1)LOM1=null                       
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC2)LOM1        NoteProperty  EthernetFlexNIC(NIC2)LOM1=null                       
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC3)LOM1        NoteProperty  EthernetFlexNIC(NIC3)LOM1=null                       
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC4)LOM1        NoteProperty  EthernetFlexNIC(NIC4)LOM1=null                       
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC5)LOM1        NoteProperty  EthernetFlexNIC(NIC5)LOM1=null                       
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC6)LOM1        NoteProperty  EthernetFlexNIC(NIC6)LOM1=null                       
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC7)LOM1        NoteProperty  EthernetFlexNIC(NIC7)LOM1=null                       
EthernetFlexNIC(NIC8)LOM1        NoteProperty  EthernetFlexNIC(NIC8)LOM1=null                       
FirmwareVersion                  NoteProperty  FirmwareVersion=null                                  
FLBAdapter1                      NoteProperty  FLBAdapter1=null                                     
IPAddress                        NoteProperty  IPAddress=null                                       
iSCSI1                           NoteProperty  iSCSI1=null                                          
iSCSI2                           NoteProperty  iSCSI2=null                                          
MACAddress                       NoteProperty  MACAddress=null                                       
ManagementProcessorInformation   NoteProperty  ManagementProcessorInformation=null                  
Manufacturer                     NoteProperty  Manufacturer=null                                    
Memory                           NoteProperty  Memory=null                                          
Mezzanine2                       NoteProperty  Mezzanine2=null                                      
Name                             NoteProperty  Name=null                                             
NIC1                             NoteProperty  NIC1=null                                            
NIC2                             NoteProperty  NIC2=null                                            
NIC3                             NoteProperty  NIC3=null                                            
NIC4                             NoteProperty  NIC4=null                                            
PartNumber                       NoteProperty  PartNumber=null                                       
Port1                            NoteProperty  Port1=null                                           
Port2                            NoteProperty  Port2=null                                           
PowerManagementControllerVersion NoteProperty  PowerManagementControllerVersion=null                
ProductName                      NoteProperty  ProductName=null                                     
ROMVersion                       NoteProperty  ROMVersion=null                                       
SerialNumber                     NoteProperty  SerialNumber=null                                    
ServerBladeType                  NoteProperty System.String ServerBladeType=No Server Blade Installed
ServerName                       NoteProperty  ServerName=null                                      
Slot                             NoteProperty System.String Slot=7                                  
SystemBoardSparePartNumber       NoteProperty  SystemBoardSparePartNumber=null                       
Type                             NoteProperty  Type=null                                            
UUID                             NoteProperty  UUID=null 
And finaly, here is an example sending this data into the pipeline:
PS C:\> Import-MyLog2 | Where iscsi1 -ne $null | Select-Object -Property Slot, iSCSI1, SerialNumber | FT -AutoSize
Slot iSCSI1            SerialNumber
---- ------            ------------
8    00:19:BB:34:61:1D 9999999999 
9    00:19:BB:34:61:1D 9999999999 
10   00:19:BB:34:61:1D 9999999999 
11   00:19:BB:34:61:1D 9999999999  
Remember that you will have to determine the rules to:
1.       Determine the start and end of each log.
2.       Determine how to extract a property name:
3.       Determine how to extract a property value.
Follow the steps in this series and you will be able to utilize the log files in text format just as easily as you can utilize log files in CSV or XML format.


Unknown said…
Great Script! Just what I was trying to accomplish but couldn't get the right direction to complete my project.
I have a question though, I am trying to use this script but I want to use a static 'PropertyList' so all the sheets have the same amount of columns and headers.
How would I approach this?

Take a look at what I posted today (

Take a look at the function CustomObj. You can pre-define a object with the properties that you want. The logic to get information from your text based log files into your custom objects properties will have to come from you. Look at the rest of the example to see how I did it.

Daniel Willis said…
This helped me tremendously. Had a very similar file that I had to parse and I thought I'd try Powershell out for this first time. Made sure I read through your series instead of just modifying the code. My file was a bit worse/different so I made a few adjustments.

One suggestion if you wanted to improve on it would be to turn the property/value delimiter into a variable

I also turned a few other things into variables such as the file path and name as I will be looping through a lot of files and passing them in. I am also grabbing the date which was in the filename and storing as a property..

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AD LDS allows you to provide directory services to applications that are free of the confines of Active Directory.  To list all the AD LDS instances on a server, follow this procedure: Log into the server in question Open a command prompt. Type dsdbutil and press Enter Type List Instances and press Enter . You will receive a list of the instance name, both the LDAP and SSL port numbers, the location of the database, and its status.

How to run GPResult on a remote client with PowerShell

In the past, to run the GPResult command, you would need to either physically visit this client, have the user do it, or use and RDP connection.  In all cases, this will disrupt the user.  First, you need PowerShell remoting enabled on the target machine.  You can do this via Group Policy . Open PowerShell and type this command. Invoke-Command –ScriptBlock {GPResult /r} –ComputerName <ComputerName> Replace <ComputerName> with the name of the target.  Remember, the target needs to be online and accessible to you.

Where did a User’s Account Get Locked Out?

Updated: May 15, 2015 When this article was originally published, two extra carriage returns were add causing the code to malfunction.  The code below is correct.   My client for this week’s PowerShell class had a really interesting question. They needed to know where an account is being locked out at. OK, interesting. Apparently users hop around clients and forget to log off, leading to eventual lock out of their accounts. The accounts can be unlocked, but are then relocked after Active Directory replication. This problem is solved in two parts. The first one is to modify the event auditing on the network. The second part is resolved with PowerShell. The first part involves creating a group policy that will encompass your Domain Controllers. In this GPO, make these changes. Expand Computer Configuration \ Policies \ Windows Settings \ Security Settings \ Advanced Audit Policy Configuration \ Audit Policies \ Account Management Double click User Account Management C...