Yesterday, I posted some code on how to draw on a GUI using
transparent colors. To further
demonstrate this transparency, we are going to add some animation.
You can use your code from yesterday and just add to
it. The only object that you need to add
is a timer control. Simply drag the timer control from the Toolbox in SAPIEN
PowerShell Studio onto your form.
The timer control will appear under he actual form in the
Designer tab.
Here are some differences from yesterday’s code. (The entire code will be posted below)
First we need to set the bounds for the circles to
move. They will be bouncing off the
walls. Remember that the ellipse origin
is the upper left corner, not the center.
That is why our right and bottom boundaries are 156 and not 256. The ellipses have a size of 100 pixels.
# Set the X and Y max and min values.
$XMin = 0
$YMin = 0
$XMax = 156
$YMax = 156
We need to declare the starting positions of all three
ellipses. Since these values will be
modified in events, we assign them to be script level variables. We need to
provide both X and Y positions for all three ellipses.
# Set the starting values for the circles.
$Script:RX = 78 ; $Script:RY
= 50
$Script:GX = 50; $Script:GY
= 95
$Script:BX = 106; $Script:BY
= 95
We need to provide a rate of movement each time our timer’s
Tick event executes. Here we will send all three ellipses into different
# Set the directions
$Script:RXMove = 1 ; $Script:RYMove
= 1
$Script:GXMove = 1; $Script:GYMove
= -1
$Script:BXMove = -1; $Script:BYMove
= 1
We need to set an interval value for the timer. The interval determines how long windows will
wait before executing the Tick event of the timer. It is in milliseconds. Once set, we execute the Start method.
# Set the speed of the motion by controlling how fast the
Timer ticks.
$Timer1.Interval = 10
# Milliseconds.
# Start the timer.
In the paint event, we need to change the X and Y values to
reflect or position variables as opposed to hard coding them.
# Create the rectangles that the circles will fit inside of.
$RRec = [System.Drawing.Rectangle]::New($Script:RX, $Script:RY,
100, 100)
$GRec = [System.Drawing.Rectangle]::New($Script:GX, $Script:GY,
100, 100)
$BRec = [System.Drawing.Rectangle]::New($Script:BX, $Script:BY,
100, 100)
# Paint the circles
$_.Graphics.FillEllipse($RBrush, $RRec)
$_.Graphics.FillEllipse($GBrush, $GRec)
$_.Graphics.FillEllipse($BBrush, $BRec)
The $timer1_Tick event is next. We need to monitor the values of our position
variables. Since we are only changing
them by a value of 1, we can look to see when they are equal to our
boundaries. If they do equal the
boundary, then we multiple the movement direction by -1. This reverses the movement’s directions.
# Change directions if a value hits a boundary
If ($Script:RX
-eq $XMin -or $Script:RX
-eq $XMax) { $Script:RXMove
*= (-1) }
If ($Script:GX
-eq $XMin -or $Script:GX
-eq $XMax) { $Script:GXMove
*= (-1) }
If ($Script:BX
-eq $XMin -or $Script:BX
-eq $XMax) { $Script:BXMove
*= (-1) }
If ($Script:RY
-eq $YMin -or $Script:RY
-eq $YMax) { $Script:RYMove
*= (-1) }
If ($Script:GY
-eq $YMin -or $Script:GY
-eq $YMax) { $Script:GYMove
*= (-1) }
If ($Script:BY
-eq $YMin -or $Script:BY
-eq $YMax) { $Script:BYMove
*= (-1) }
Next we commit the movement values to the current position
# Change the position values
$Script:RX += $Script:RXMove
$Script:GX += $Script:GXMove
$Script:BX += $Script:BXMove
$Script:RY += $Script:RYMove
$Script:GY += $Script:GYMove
$Script:BY += $Script:BYMove
Finally, we instruct the picture box, $PB1 to invoke its Paint event.
This will use the PictureBox Control’s double buffer to redraw the
ellipses without any flickering.
# Tell the Paint box to redraw itself.
Here is the code in its entirety. Remember to set up the form in SAPIEN
PowerShell Studio as described in yesterday’s post with the modifications from
Transparent Color Demonstration with Animation
Jason A. Yoder
Twitter: @JasonYoder_MCT
Created with SAPIEN PowerShell Studio
# Create your brushes with their colors
$RBrush = [System.Drawing.SolidBrush]::New([System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(100, 255, 0, 0))
$GBrush = [System.Drawing.SolidBrush]::New([System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(100, 0, 255, 0))
$BBrush = [System.Drawing.SolidBrush]::New([System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 255))
# Set the X and Y max and min values.
$XMin = 0
$YMin = 0
$XMax = 156
$YMax = 156
# Set the starting values for the circles.
$Script:RX = 78 ; $Script:RY
= 50
$Script:GX = 50; $Script:GY
= 95
$Script:BX = 106; $Script:BY
= 95
# Set the directions
$Script:RXMove = 1 ; $Script:RYMove
= 1
$Script:GXMove = 1; $Script:GYMove
= -1
$Script:BXMove = -1; $Script:BYMove
= 1
# Set the speed of the motion by controlling how fast the
Timer ticks.
$Timer1.Interval = 10
# Milliseconds.
# Start the timer.
# Events
# No
activities need to take place in the load event.
}#end formTransparentrColorDem_Load
#Event Argument: $_ = [System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs]
# Create
the rectangles that the circles will fit inside of.
= [System.Drawing.Rectangle]::New($Script:RX, $Script:RY,
100, 100)
= [System.Drawing.Rectangle]::New($Script:GX, $Script:GY,
100, 100)
= [System.Drawing.Rectangle]::New($Script:BX, $Script:BY,
100, 100)
# Paint the
$_.Graphics.FillEllipse($RBrush, $RRec)
$_.Graphics.FillEllipse($GBrush, $GRec)
$_.Graphics.FillEllipse($BBrush, $BRec)
}#end PB1_Paint
# Change
directions if a value hits a boundary
If ($Script:RX -eq $XMin
-or $Script:RX -eq $XMax) { $Script:RXMove
*= (-1) }
If ($Script:GX -eq $XMin
-or $Script:GX -eq $XMax) { $Script:GXMove
*= (-1) }
If ($Script:BX -eq $XMin
-or $Script:BX -eq $XMax) { $Script:BXMove
*= (-1) }
If ($Script:RY -eq $YMin
-or $Script:RY -eq $YMax) { $Script:RYMove
*= (-1) }
If ($Script:GY -eq $YMin
-or $Script:GY -eq $YMax) { $Script:GYMove
*= (-1) }
If ($Script:BY -eq $YMin
-or $Script:BY -eq $YMax) { $Script:BYMove
*= (-1) }
# Change
the position values
+= $Script:RXMove
+= $Script:GXMove
+= $Script:BXMove
+= $Script:RYMove
+= $Script:GYMove
+= $Script:BYMove
# Tell the
Paint box to redraw itself.
#end timer1_Tick