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Managed Deletion Protection on OUs, User, and Group objects with PowerShell

Below is a working PowerShell function that will help you enable/disable Deletion Protection on organizational units, user and group objects.  I included online help in this one so just dot source it or put it in a module to use it.  Once loaded, just type Get-Help Set-Deletion Protection –Full to see the entire help file and examples on how to use it.

There are actually two functions here.  The first supports the second.


Confirms if a module is available.


Confirms if the provided parameter is available on

the local client.

The name of the module who’s presence is being checked.
Confirm-Module ActiveDirectory
Checks to see if the ActiveDirectory module is
present on the local machine
Returns True is present and False if not.
Function Confirm-Module


Param ($ModuleName = $(Throw "You need to provide a module name."))

 # Place the name of the module from Get-Module into

 # the variable $Data

 $Data = (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $ModuleName).name

 # If the contents of $Data is equal to the variable
 # $ModuleName, the module is present, return
 # True.  If not, return $False.
 If ($Data -eq $ModuleName){Return $True}
 Else {Return $False}   

Ensures that Deletion Protection is set on AD Objects

Allows you to set the Deletion Protection on specific classes of objects in an Active Directory Environment.
This allows you to set Deletion Protection on both User and Group objects that otherwise do not have this capability in the Set-ADUser and Set-ADGroup cmdlets.

Sets whether to enable or disable Deletion Protection on the specified object classes.  This value must be set as $True or $False.

Targets the Organizational Units objects in Active Directory.

Targets the group objects in Active Directory.

Targets the user objects in Active Directory.

The name of the OU or Container to use as the root for processing the cmdlet . By default, all objects in the domain are processed for the object classes specified.

Set-DeletionProtection $True -OU

Protects all Organization Units in the domain from accidental deletion.

Set-DeletionProtection $True -User -Group

Protects all User and Group objects in the domain from accidental deletion.

Set-DeletionProtection $False -User -Root "IT Managers"

Removes Deletion Protection for all Users in the OU or Container whos' distinguished name contains "IT Managers"

Set-DeletionProtection $False -User -Root "IT"

The following OUs or Containers matched your Root parameter: IT.  Please select the index number of the OU or Container that you want to execute this cmdlet against.

Index DistinguishedName
----- -----------------
    0 CN=ForeignSecurityPrincipals,DC=Contoso,DC=com
    1 CN=IP Security,CN=System,DC=Contoso,DC=com
    2 CN=ComPartitions,CN=System,DC=Contoso,DC=com
    3 CN=ComPartitionSets,CN=System,DC=Contoso,DC=com
    4 OU=IT,DC=Contoso,DC=com
    5 OU=IT Test,OU=IT,DC=Contoso,DC=com

Index number:

In the above example, the cmdlet is attempting to remove deletion protection from all User Objects that is in an OU or Container that contains "IT" in the Distinguished Name.  The problem is that multiple OUs or Containers contain "IT" in them.  The menu presented above to the user will allow the user to choose the index number of the OU or Container to execute the cmdlet against.

Set-Deletionprotection $True -OU -Root "OfficeStaff"

No OU or Container matched your query.
The Cmdlet is terminating with no changes made.

The cmdlet above is attempting to enable Deletion Protection on all OUs or Containers with the name "OfficeStaff" in the Distinguished Name.  In this case, no OU or Container in the domain has the string "OfficeStaff: in it.

The Active Directory Module for PowerShell must be Available

Active Directory Users and Computers will be non- responsive while this cmdlet runs.


function Set-DeletionProtection
param (
   $Root = "*"

# Verify Boolean value for parameter $Enabled.
if ($Enabled.GetType().Name -ne "Boolean")
    Write-Host "Please supply a Boolean value of $True or $False"

# Test to verify that
if ((Confirm-module ActiveDirectory) -eq $True)
    # Import the Active Directory module.
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory -cmdlet Get-ADOrganizationalUnit, Set-ADOrganizationalUnit,
        Get-ADGroup, Get-ADUser, Set-ADObject
    Write-Host "Active Directory Module is not available."
-ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Yellow

# If the $Root parameter is populated, make sure it points to a unique # container or OU.  If not, present the user with a list to choose from.
if ($Root -ne "*")

    $ObjList = @()

    $List = Get-ADObject -Filter * |
        Where-Object {($_.DistinguishedName -like "*$root*") -and (($_.ObjectClass -eq "OrganizationalUnit") -or ($_.ObjectClass -eq "Container"))}

    # Creates the index number should the query return
    # multiple matches.
    $i = 0

    # Loop through each returned item and enter the
    # data into an object to be used to determine
    # which object should be used.
    foreach ($Item in $List)
        $Object = New-Object PSObject
        $Object | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name DistinguishedName -Value $Item.DistinguishedName
        $Object | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name Index -Value $i
        $ObjList += $Object

    # If more than 1 OU or Container matches the query,
    # Present a menu to the user to choose from.
    if ($ObjList.Count -gt 1)
        Write-Host "---------------------------------------------"
-ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "The following OUs or Containers matched your"
        Write-Host "Root parameter: $Root.  Please select the"
        Write-Host "index number of the OU or Container that"
        Write-Host "you want to execute this cmdlet against."
        Write-Host " "
        $ObjList | FT Index, DistinguishedName -autosize
        Write-Host " "
        $Selection = Read-Host ("Index number")

        $Root = $ObjList[$Selection].DistinguishedName

    # If no OUs or Containers match the query, send
    # an error message and suspend the cmdlet.
    if (($ObjList.Count -eq 1) -and ($ObjList.DistinguishList -eq $Null))
        Write-Host "---------------------------------------------"
-ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "No OU or Container matched your query."
        Write-Host "The Cmdlet is terminating with no changes made."

    # If only one OU or Container matched the query
    # than use it
    if ($ObjList.Count -eq 1)
        $Root = $ObjList[0].DistinguishedName


# Configure Deletion protection for OUs.
if ($OU -eq $True)
    Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter * |
    where {$_.DistinguishedName -like "*$root*"} |
    Where-Object {$_.ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion -ne $Enabled} |
    Set-ADOrganizationalUnit -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $Enabled
# End configuration for OUs.

# Configure Deletion protection for Groups.
if ($Group -eq $True)
     Get-ADGroup -Filter * |
     where {$_.DistinguishedName -like "*$root*"} |
     Where-Object {$_.ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion -ne $Enabled} |
     Set-ADObject -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $Enabled

# End configuration for Groups.

# Configure Deletion protection for Users.
if ($User -eq $True)
     Get-ADUser -Filter * |
     where {$_.DistinguishedName -like "*$root*"} |
     Where-Object {$_.ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion -ne $Enabled} |
     Set-ADObject -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $Enabled
# End configuration for Users.

Write-Host "Deletion protection changes in progress."
Write-Host "Active Directory Users and Computers may be un-responsive"
Write-Host "for a few seconds."


jay c said…
Thanks, Jason! This was the bit of code I needed:

get-aduser | set-adobject -protectedfromaccidentaldeletion $false

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