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Commands for Server Core

Below is a list of commands that I picked up from TechNet Magazine.  Remember that SCONFIG now replaces some of these in Server Core 2008 R2.

Here are links to more information on SCONFIG

How to open the firewall

How to add a users to the Local Administrators group

How to move a Server Core 2008 R2 from a domain to a workgroup

Add Server Core to a domain

Setting IP Addresses

Change Windows Update settings

Rename Server Core

Enable Remote Desktop on Server Core



Control desk.cpl - View or set display settings.
Control intl.cpl - View or set regional and language options, including formats and the keyboard layout.
Control sysdm.cpl - View or set system properties.
Control timedate.cpl - View or set the date, time, and time zone.
Cscript slmgr.vbs –ato - Activate the operating system.
DiskRaid.exe - Configure software RAID.
ipconfig /all - List information about the computer’s IP address configuration.
NetDom RenameComputer - Set the server’s name and domain membership.
OCList.exe - List roles, role services, and features.
OCSetup.exe - Add or remove roles, role services, and features.
PNPUtil.exe - Install or update hardware device drivers.
Sc query type=driver - List installed device drivers.
Scregedit.wsf - Configure the operating system. Use the /cli parameter to list available configuration areas.
ServerWerOptin.exe - Configure Windows Error Reporting.
SystemInfo - List the system configuration details.
WEVUtil.exe - View and search event logs.
Wmic datafile where name=“FullFilePath” get version - List a file’s version.
Wmic nicconfig index=9 call enabledhcp - Set the computer to use dynamic IP addressing rather than static IP addressing.
Wmic nicconfig index=9 call enablestatic(“IPAddress”), (“SubnetMask”) - Set a computer’s static IP address and network mask.
Wmic nicconfig index=9 call setgateways(“GatewayIPAddress”) - Set or change the default gateway.
Wmic product get name /value “ - List installed MSI applications by name.
Wmic product where name=“Name” call uninstall - Uninstall an MSI application.
Wmic qfe list - List installed updates and hotfixes.
Wusa.exe PatchName.msu /quiet - Apply an update or hotfix to the operating system.


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