Sometimes you may want to automate a process that involves using a DOS command. You may also want to analyze the results. The following PowerShell script shows you how to look for a positive result from a Ping command. Granted, the Test-Connection cmdlet would be a better choice, but this is an example using commands that most everyone is familiar with.
$StartAddress = 1
$EndAddress = 10
# Loop through each address and test
For ($X=$StartAddress; $X -lt $EndAddress; $X++)
# Display the address that is being tested.
Write-Host "Testing 192.168.1.$X" -ForegroundColor blue
# Create the string that you would normally type.
$String = "Ping 192.169.249.$X -n 2"
# Use the Invoke-Expression cmdlet to execute the string
# and record the results in $Result.
$Result = Invoke-Expression $String
# Use Regular Expresses to determine if a positive
# responce came back. It the Responce is $True, then
# Write the string to the deafult output.
$Result -match "Reply from"
If ($_ -eq $True)
{Write-Output $Sting}